About us

Nous sommes Koust

Nous aidons les restaurateurs à se concentrer sur les actions qui leurs permettent d’améliorer leurs profits.

Koust est un outil de contrôle de gestion conçu par un restaurateur pour les restaurateurs

In the beginning

"Before being a restaurant owner, I was a computer developer, so I developed my own tools for my restaurant. Today I combine these two skills to offer my services to restaurant professionals and to all food trades. »

Jean-Luc LE GOFF, founder of Koust.


Nos Valeurs

Our goal? To bring restaurants and customers closer together

Koust is a software program for restaurants. It is designed for professionals who want to offer more attractive and popular dishes.


La meilleure équipe

Besoin d'accompagnement ?

Une dynamique d'innovation

An online application accessible from any screen connected to the Internet.

A first version allows you to compare and control the purchase prices of raw materials, to calculate orders and the cost price of recipes

The second version is a controlling tool: it compares purchases with sales. Koust is connected to the cash register and allows to detect stock discrepancies as well as wastage.

The third version is a sales analysis tool: it highlights the popularity of dishes and their contribution to the margin in order to propose an offer that is relevant to the restaurant owner and his customers.

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