Kitchen data sheet - Downloadable models
La fiche technique cuisine est indispensables pour la bonne gestion d’un restaurant professionnel ou d’une cuisine professionnelle. Le but d’une telle fiche est de maîtriser les matières premières alimentaires et de donner les bonnes procédures d’exécution aux cuisiniers. Seuls les coûts des aliments, denrées alimentaires, sont intégrés dans le calcul d’une fiche technique. Les coût de la main d’œuvre et les autres charges comme l’électricité, les énergies, le matériel ou les loyers, ne sont pas pris en compte. Plusieurs services et étapes sont impliqués dans son utilisation. En matière de restauration et de d’hôtellerie les fiches techniques ont plusieurs rôles, économique dans un premier temps, mais c’est aussi une ressource et un outil pédagogique pour vos équipes.
- Purchasing management: the professional data sheet is used to establish the quantities of foodstuffs to be ordered.
- Costing: the sheet allows the costing of foodstuffs to be calculated to help the manager set the selling price of the manufactured product. Margin rates and ratios can be calculated in this way. The purchase price of ingredients must be known in order to be able to update the culinary cards regularly. It is preferable to use an adapted software to avoid redoing the calculations by hand.
- Inventories, management control and stock management: the sheet will enable the total amount of raw materials consumed theoretically over a period to be calculated and compared with the actual quantities consumed. By integrating the stock difference.
- Organisation et gestion du travail : la recette donne les étapes de fabrication, pour garantir la qualité du produit fini. Une photo peut être intégrée pour guider le cuisiner sur la présentation
The kitchen data sheet - Why?
A culinary creation is a work of art that requires the use of technical sciences and a high level of creativity.
The professional card is one of the essential management tools for all managers and restaurant owners. It has been taught for a long time, not always appreciated by professionals, but it is essential to guarantee a good transmission of information between all members of a professional team.
What is the purpose of the kitchen data sheet and for whom?
The professional data sheet is essential for the manager to :
- Calculate the cost and selling price of each dish
- Loss management
- Food waste management
- Controlling the production of the kitchen and checking the quality of execution.
- Prepare raw material orders from its suppliers.
- To optimize inventory management.
- Do management control and monitor slippage
It is indispensable in the kitchen for :
- Establish raw material orders to calculate and reduce food wastage
- Guarantee a quality and consistent recipe no matter who is performing it in the team.
- Impose the presentation of each dish regardless of who is on the plate.
How to draw up this kitchen data sheet?
- Draw up a list of the raw materials needed to produce the recipe: raw materials.
- Establish theprice unit for each ingredient: unit (if necessary also note the equivalent for packaging)
- Indicate the quantities required for each ingredient in the unit chosen: quantity
- Indicate the unit price excluding VAT of each ingredient in the unit previously chosen: unit price excluding VAT
- Lump-sum values can be added to account for certain common ingredients that are difficult to estimate but have little impact on costs, and are added mainly because they are essential to the preparation of the recipe.
Crème brulée |
Denrées |
Unit | Quantity | Unit price excl. tax | Awards HT |
Milk | Litre | 0,4 | 0,90 | 0,36 |
Egg (yellow) | Kg | 0,22 | 8,90 | 1,96 |
Liquid UHT Cream 35% UHT | litre | 0,4 | 2,90 | 1,16 |
Vanilla Bean | Unit | 2 | 0,5 | 1,00 |
Brown sugar | Kg | 0,12 | 1,65 | 0,20 |
Granulated sugar | Kg | 0,13 | 1,15 | 0,15 |
Total cost price | 4,83 |
The steps :
- Weighing food
- Then, make the crème brûlée: milk, liquid cream 30% fat minimum, egg yolks and sugar.
- Bake in a slow oven (at about 95°C) for 1 hour.
- Then cool down in the cell
- Gratinate with a blowtorch
- I mean, to train and send
The steps of the recipe are a list of the successive tasks to be carried out to achieve it.
Pricing : From the total cost price, the selling price can be calculated by applying a multiplier. This is a simple way of integrating other costs than food: salaries, fixed costs, depreciation, equipment, rent, etc.
Table of concordance of weights and measures
C’est l’un des problèmes les plus complexe à appréhender : les unités de mesure. Vous pouvez utiliser les tableaux de conversion d’unité de certains sites comme marmiton.
Le poids des denrées alimentaire est assez facile à déterminer, mais parfois c’est plus pratique de connaître le poids des légumes à l’unité qu’au kilo. Voici un autre site utile pour résoudre ce problème.
Cooking indicator table
The data sheet is not always well used or too detailed for the cook. The catering professional can therefore use this additional tool to facilitate tasks and management in the kitchen.
Setting of card fees
The menu is the most important commercial document of the restaurant. Its design and pricing are one of the essential components of the offer, together with the image, decoration, atmosphere, welcome and service.
Pricing takes into account the prices charged by the competition and the company's need for profitability. The card's prices are set by bringing these constraints together. Then, in order to avoid competition, several differentiation techniques make it more difficult to compare prices. But price remains a major concern for the consumer. So two opposing approaches are most often used:
1- The principle of multiplying coefficients
First of all, the "coef" method consists of applying a multiplier coefficient (or ratio) to the material cost of a dish to obtain the selling price. Also, the material cost is calculated by the kitchen data sheet. This is a simple and reliable technique because it is easy to determine the material cost, whereas knowing the impact of rent or wages on the price of a dish would be very complicated to determine.
Selling price = material cost x multiplying factor
exemple : Pour obtenir une marge brute de 75 %, soit 25 % de matière première, on pratique un coefficient multiplicateur de 4
2- Omnès' principles
This technique allows a catering professional to check the consistency of the a la carte price offer with customer reaction.
The application of the multiplier principle can lead to an unbalanced price distribution because the multiplication amplifies the differences between the cheaper and the more expensive dishes. Therefore, the Omnès principle allows for a lower multiplier to be applied to the highest prices.
In conclusion, several approaches can be used by the Omnes principles and can be combined with the first method.
Excel or Koust format?
The sheets are therefore indispensable for a catering professional, whether in a commercial restaurant or in a high school, these technical sheets guarantee the good management of a catering establishment.
Vous pouvez créer une recette professionnelle sous format excel mais cette méthode à ses limite, afin de mieux vous organiser préférez une version numérique, plus professionnelle.
En effet, une version numérique favorise le partage des ressources entre les différents postes et métiers au sein de votre cuisine. De plus les fiches numérique on un aspect plus pédagogique et ludique d’un fichier excel parfois compliqué à lire en cuisine. Ces fiches ressources vous permettent de suivre la qualité du produit tout au long de la recette tout en garantissant une gestion professionnelle de la matière première.
Enfin ces recettes vous permettent de réaliser une économie non négligeable puisque ce sont les matières première qui vont définir votre marge brute. Plus le modèle de vos recettes sera clair, plus la réalisation de celles-ci sera respectée. Pour cela il vous faut un outils professionnel utilisant les sciences du numérique.
Pour un professionnel de la restauration, il existe aujourd’hui des techniques qui permettent la réalisation de fiches recettes avec un niveau de sous recette professionnelle.
The level of sub-recipes in the data sheets is very important, especially for the proper management of your catering establishment.
High school, Bac, CAP
Les recettes sont aujourd’hui utilisées dans toutes les écoles de cuisines. Les futurs professionnels de la restauration qui se préparent aux métiers de la restauration sont familiarisé avec ses outils et ressources dès le lycée pour le bac ou cap professionnel en hôtellerie ou restauration.
Cette éducation aux outils de gestion est primordiale, car le niveau de gestion d’un restaurant est élevé et ces outils numérique sont des alliés pour le calcul, la rentabilité et la marge d’un établissement de restauration.
The vocational high schools preparing BAC or CAP specialising in the hotel and catering trades have understood the importance of management methods.
For this reason, the use of technology-related data, documents and teaching resources is encouraged in the vocational training courses.
In order to ensure a high level of quality in the hotel industry, it is necessary to make students aware of the transmission of information within a company, the importance of data and the digital and technological aspect.
This therefore requires an education geared towards pedagogy and above all taking account of current events. Today, tools and digital technology are everywhere in the professional world, so we must use these information resources to serve the company.
Professional kitchen data sheet - Template to download: Excel table
The kitchen data sheet table with all the built-in calculations to get you started.
Catering Professional - Click on this link to start the download.
To go further, methods exist to calculate and improve its gross margin: Improving his restaurant's GROSS MARGIN step by step