Catering management EHPAD
En France, les EHPAD représentent plus de 7 353 établissements d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes. Soit plus de 600 000 résidents. Que vous soyez une structure publique, privée ou encore associative, la gestion restauration EHPAD n’est pas de tout repos.
Difficulties can quickly accumulate and it is easy to find yourself buried. Or even lost, under a ton of information and rules to follow.
For this reason, it is important to know what to look for in order to manage your establishment in the best possible way.
Why is this important?
Good stock management is essential. Indeed, poor management can lead to considerable losses of money over time. But also a very bad organisation between your EHPAD and your suppliers.
Good stock management will help you to avoid food loss and waste as much as possible. In addition, it will allow you to place your supplier orders on time and to order the right quantities of food.
How to manage them?
In order to manage your stocks in the best possible way, it is essential to carry out inventories at least once a month so that you are always up to date.
You should also manage your stock removals according to your issue notes. It is recommended that you computerise your issue slips. So that your stocks are automatically updated according to them.
EHPAD catering management: Purchasing
Why is this important?
Bien gérer vos achats, c’est aussi gérer au mieux votre budget. Un contrôle précis de ceux-ci vous permettra d’économiser. Mais aussi d’éviter des ruptures de stocks ou, a contrario, des stocks trop faibles.
It is also important to invest in quality products. Although these products are more expensive, they will allow you to improve your hotel services. And therefore the nutrition of your residents and their well-being. Better nutrition also means less malnutrition and better health for your residents.
De plus, depuis le passage de la loi Egalim en janvier 2022, vous êtes dans l’obligation de servir 50 % de produits labellisés dont au moins 20 % de produits biologiques.
How to manage them?
Do not hesitate to negotiate with your suppliers and to keep up to date with the market and its prices.
It is important to know the value of your product in the current market so that you are not taken advantage of.
Pour être en accord sur la loi EGalim, il est préférable de se munir d’un système vous permettant une visualisation simple et rapide des labels et des appellations biologiques de vos produits.
Indeed, to successfully implement this law, you will need to be well organised, you can set up charts that will allow you to evaluate your rates.
EHPAD catering management: Allergens
Why is this important?
Like any human being, residents of EHPAD can be subject to allergies. In some cases, these allergies can be very dangerous, especially for people with health problems or who are frail.
Les restaurants collectifs, comme tout autre restaurant, sont donc dans l’obligation de prévenir leurs résidents des allergènes présents dans les plats servis. Le personnel se doit ainsi d’être au courant de ces allergènes.
How to manage them?
As a restaurant, you are obliged to clearly display all allergens in your food. You can display them on the menus distributed to the residents, or on a separate piece of paper where the residents can see them.
You should also be well informed about all the allergens in your dishes, by noting this on your data sheets.
The average daily cost
Why is this important?
Les coûts alimentaires sont le 2e poste de charge dans les EHPAD. Il est donc essentiel de les gérer au mieux afin de baisser leur coût sans pour autant négliger la qualité. Réduire vos coûts alimentaires de manière réfléchie et efficace vous permettra de réinvestir dans la qualité de vos produits. Des produits de qualité amèneront forcément à moins de dénutrition chez vos résidents, mais également moins de pertes.
How can you reduce your daily cost?
There are several ways to reduce your daily costs.
Order the right quantities from your suppliers. To do this, it is important to keep regular inventories, but also accurate technical data sheets.
Find out about market price fluctuations and do not hesitate to negotiate prices with your suppliers if necessary.
It is also important to assess your food losses and identify the most common causes.
Koust's solutions for your nursing homes
Koust offers many features to help your nursing home manage its canteen.
Thanks to the control of food inputs, you have immediate visibility on the variation of raw material prices.
Once you know which products are flaming, you have full control over your purchasing costs.
Le logiciel vous permet également d’établir des bons de sortie informatisée quotidiennement. Vous connaissez ainsi votre coût journalier couvert par couvert. Mais aussi les écarts de stocks ingrédient par ingrédient. Grâce à l’identification de ces écarts, vous pourrez alors cibler les principaux secteurs de votre EHPAD impactés par le gaspillage et le coulage.
En plus des écarts de stocks, les fiches techniques que vous aurez élaborées de manière précise sur Koust, pourront également réduire le gaspillage. En effet, les quantités pourront directement être calculées en fonction du nombre de couverts prévu.
On Koust, you have direct access to the nutritional information and allergens present in your dishes. These are automatically updated on all your technical sheets in the event of a change. You can also view the percentage of certified products purchased recipe by recipe by adding tags to your ingredients.
As you will have noticed, difficulties can quickly accumulate in the catering business. It is therefore essential to be up to date on the management of your establishment.
Your objective is to reconcile the profitability of your business while offering healthy, quality food.
Photo credit: Homecare photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com